Monday, September 6, 2010

puzzles - an approach to design

Some people have an idea of exactly what they want to make. They sketch and labor over whether this goes here or there. I tried it but then struggled with the issue of scale. Looked great on paper but something was not quite right when I got it all together. So I changed my approach - not everything works for everyone.

I love puzzles and games. I play them all the time (when I have time) on Vernon's birthday present to me, My ipad! I make lots of components and then put them together. I take them apart, put them together. The process can take some time but I enjoy it because it's feels like a puzzle, a problem that I get to solve!

These earrings are the result of one of my polymer gaming sessions. I like them quite a lot.


  1. Me likes them too. The bottom disc on your 2nd pair is just amazing.

  2. Silk screened, Flo Rae! I was making sheets with some of my friends so I turned them into rounded discs! Fun process (sil screening) but messy!

  3. I saw these on Cynthia Tinapple's pinterest and said to myself, "These must be by Donna Kato," then scrolled down and saw your name. They're different than any of yours I've seen before, but they still have your signature style.
